Vanguard Photos

Here you can find photos and documents pertaining to the Ryan Vanguard. This page isn't built yet. As a preview, enjoy this picture of what must be a very rare titanium Vanguard! Where is this bike today??

Update: Dick Ryan wrote in with this information on 10/24/2003:
The titanium Vanguard was built by Tim Vaughn of Eugene Oregon. Tim was our welder for about two years. Tim is a freelance welder and welded frames for all of the bike companies in Eugene at one time or another. (Green Gear, Burley and Co-Motion). He is probably the best welder on the planet, he can put out about twice as much work as any of the welders at the bike companies he worked for. He could do five complete Vanguard frames a day or two complete Duplex frames. As you can see, his welding is flawless. Tim taught my son Karl how to weld, Karl became almost as good as Tim, he eventually was able to do four frames a day and the quality of the welding was comparable to Tim's work."

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